The Druid Journal
The Year 1520 - The Year Of The Plague
At the begin of the year, Druidess Genri stepped down as a Darmahk emissiary, and Druidess Amaylah was named the new emissiary. Nature devouted Traf became Warden.
This month saw a lesser conflict between Darmahk and Gahlen, caused by a ban against a shaman who repeatedly broke Gahlen law. Nature faith, who just had started negotiations about a holy glade in the south, was drawn into the conflict and threatened to loose all privileges in the south. The situation could be solved by sending a delegation which performed a protection ritual for Darmahk and handed over valuable gifts for the Overseer, assuring the loyality of Nature Faith to Darmahk.
In March, a very remarkable act happened to nature devoted Shaman Urushna - she was removed from the druid guild by the Warlock himself for misusing shaman powers and disturbing the flow. However, almost instantly she was recruited to the druid guild by the druid lord in full ranks of a higher druid. This led to some unhappyness in the faith, and Urushna was asked to complete a full druid education under former archdruid Aneirin before whe was allowed to use her more advanced prayers.
At the end of march a strange plague spread out in the grasslands, causing the animals to die. The piles of bones left behind turned into very strong undead when examined closer. Darmahk and Gahlen worked together to fight the virus, burning the piles of bones with hundreds of torches. It turned out that the plague was caused by a failed experiment of the witch doctor.
Finally, the long awaited holy glade for the suden circle was buildt on the 30th of March.
During an orc attack begin of April the faith was accused by the druid lord to neglect their duty for the defense of Gahlen. Former arch druid and Gahlen emissiary Aneirin was blamed for defending his faith mates at the waterfall instead of fighting in the first battle row. As a consequence Aneirin decided to leave town.
End of April a remarkable memorial event was held for the fallen commander of the garrison Rothar Telrith. The druids conrtibuted with a speech by Caellan and a carpet of poppies spread around the statue of Rothar.
In May, a leaflet dispensor was installed in the southern circle to make the iduction of new suden druids easier. Taelis and Dallia stepped down in honor from their leadership begin of July and Faldu and Aciath were named new leaders of the guild.
August - September
In August, the druids participated in the Darmahk Days with a day full of events. A valuable gift was handed to the overseer, a carved set of wooden tablets representing the several natuaral environments of the southlands.
In September, the faith got involved in a conflict with a rogue called Saryn. She threatened to kill several faith mates, especially Amaylah, because of an article in the world news. The faith declared her as an enemy and tried to hunt her down, but her abilities to hide in shadows made it impossible to get hold of her. Instead, she managed to backstab Amaylah in the Grahul hills. The matter was settled by cancelling the faith hunt, in return Saryn promised to not attack faith mates anymore.
The whole matter caused a lot of anger and unhappyness within the faith, and as a result assistand archdruid Aciath stepped down. Urushna was named new assistant archdruidess by the druid lord.
On the fall equinoxe, the traditional fall festival took place with two days full of events and games.
At the end of October, strange things happened. Strange spirits were seen fleeting throughour the land, announcing that they would not return till the end of the week. People noticed that they could not bury the dead anymore. Also, a new plague occured which infected those who tried to move the corpses to another place. The druids held a ritual, as did other faiths, but it didn't help. So it was decided to wait till the end of the week, when the sprits returned into their realms. However, the strange plague infecting those who tried to move a corpse stayed.
The year ended quietly with a meeting in the Tundra to celebrate the winter solstice, with sermons and story telling.